
Healthy Heart

The Vagus Nerve: Your Body's Secret Superhighway


If there's one thing I've learned in my decades as an integrative medicine physician, it's that the vagus nerve is the unsung hero of the human body. This remarkable cranial nerve may not get the same flashy attention as some of its more well-known counterparts, but trust me, when it comes to overall health and wellbeing, the vagus nerve is where it's at.

The Vagus Nerve: Your Body's Control Center

Think of the vagus nerve as the superhighway connecting your brain to the rest of your body. It's th…

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The Skinny on Fats

Fats have been widely demonized in the health industry. “Fat makes you fat” is a common belief for many people, though that is truly not the case. Fats are essential for our overall health. They are burned as fuel for our body and are an integral part of our cell membranes. They maintain healthy skin and hair, and can even affect brain functioning in our mood, behavior, and cognition. Given that some fats are absolutely necessary to eat because they cannot be manufactured in the body, this w…

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Plant Powered Protein

While I wrote about the benefits of plant versus animal protein in “Resilient Health: How to Thrive in Our Toxic World,” I only recently watched the 2018 documentary “Game Changers” about successful elite athletes who made the switch to a completely plant-based diet. All I can say is “WOW!

This film is a must-see and will open your eyes to one of the biggest food myths that we have been served – which is that plant-based proteins are somehow not enough to be able to fully sustain us. And y…

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7 Steps to a Healthy Heart

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women, but it is preventable and controllable.  Many lifestyle-related factors are known to have a direct impact on cardiovascular health.   To celebrate American Heart Month this February, take the following steps which are an important foundation to an integrative approach to heart health.

1)      Eat a diet with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, lean sources of protein, and healthy fats such as from nuts, seeds, and cold-water f…

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