

10 Tips to Prevent Flu and Colds Naturally

It’s that time of the year again. The kids are back in school and it seems like a steady stream of upper respiratory infections are being passed around. Even my 4th grader said this last week, “Mom, is it time to start taking the stuff to prevent the flu?” Smart cookie!

In our house, we regularly incorporate disease fighting superfoods to boost immunity and fight colds, influenza, and other viruses and bacteria. And managing stress is another powerhouse to help keep your immune system healthy and…

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Top Supplements for Stress - Adaptogens

Are you starting to feel the over-buzz of the holiday season?  Time stretched too thin?  Endless list of things to do and people to take care of? Well, you are certainly not alone.  Here are a few of my favorite natural supplements to help get you through the holiday chaos and a 10% discount on high-quality supplements. What are adaptogens? This unique class of herbs help your body ADAPT to stress by increasing your resilience and normalizing body functions.  In addition, these herbs often have …

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